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5 Pillows of health VERTICAL.jpg
  • 4 month weight loss program, 8 sessions with Dietitian - meet 2x per month for 45 minutes

  • Bio-energetic Testing & Functional Care Plan- addressing root issues

  • Purely Nourish Meal Plans

  • Spiritual, emotional, and intuitive nutritional counseling- NLP

  • Weekly Weigh in remotely via smart scale

  • The program offers a complete online library of exclusive educational videos giving you the tools and knowledge for success. The online library provides nutritional, and psychological support throughout the program and the educational session content that enables you to make permanent healthy lifestyle changes to help you lose weight and keep it off for good. In addition, this program has a long-term weight maintenance program.

  • Karmic Meaning for this program: 1776 represents self-determination, individual liberty and spiritual reawakening. Resurrect the hidden parts of yourself that have been neglected and over-looked and begin to learn how to embrace your revolutionary inner freedom and pathway towards ultimate success, health and wellness, with proper nutrition as well as with emotional and spiritual counseling. 


Revolutionary Reset Weight Loss Program

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