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Bioenergic Testing

What is bioenergetic testing?

Qest4 is a type of bioenergetic testing that uses a computerized system to measure the energetic frequencies within the body. Many people are suffering from known or unknown health imbalances, which cause functional ailments within the body. When a functional imbalance occurs sometimes the dysfunction is not identified by conventional lab work or traditional pathological testing. Meanwhile, the patient continues to experience multiple symptoms. The Qest4 system provides a novel approach which can detect and correct imbalances within the energetic body. The human body is electric. Everything is energy and all imbalances have a specific frequency. The Qest4 system scans for imbalances and seeks to correct them by using homeopathic imprints. 


What information does Qest4 provide?

The Qest4 may provide information regarding your physical, emotional and spiritual body. The Qest4 software gauges health indicators and collects information via hardware system through non-intrusive and pain-free handheld electrodes. There are basic tests and filtered tests. Filters are a subcategory of larger energetic tests. Filters allow the collection and evaluation of more detailed information within a category. Below are some of the most commonly used tests:

  • Allergy Sensitivity Profile

  • Degenerative Disturbances

  • Emotional Stressors

  • Environmental Sensitivity List- Filter-Heavy Metals

  • Food Sensitivity List

  • Gastrointestinal Panel

  • Homotoxicology Evaluation

  • Hormonal Profile- Filter- Thyroid

  • Metabolic-Digestive Profile

  • Neurotransmitter Profile

  • Nutrient Deficiencies

  • Nutritional Maintenance

  • Symptom-Emotion Correlation- Filter- Bach Flower Essence

  • TMJ Stressors

  • Toxic Stressors


Contraindications: Anyone who has had a pace maker, organ transplant, pregnancy, or any other electronic implants will alter the testing. Cell phones, jewelry, watches need to be put to the side and OFF the client when testing. 


Initial Comprehensive Scan- 2-hour comprehensive scan tailored to your specific needs. Basic plus non-basic panels will be run, for example: food allergies, environmental toxins, viruses, parasites, bacteria, mold, fungus, vitamins and minerals.  


Follow-up Scan- check in, to see if previous functional imbalances have come into balance. For example, if we are working on lower a parasites frequency we will check on that status at your follow up visit. 


What is required before the scan?

  1. Completing a client intake form and sending it back to Kristen

  2. Sign documents

  3. Book appointment

  4. Payment

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